Let a Thought Sparkle

    One thought ! Do we ever realize how powerful a thought can be? yes a single thought has the power that allow us to float across the limitless universe and dive deep in the tiniest particle until it finds an end sign. One can truly spend a life time thinking about this mystery of the world but never find any conclusion. Needless to say, so many minds are born and died in this planet just thinking about the vastness and wonder of this creation . Also there are countless  minds that are so tangled in their imagination and thoughts that they have never got the opportunity to connect with the superior subject. I don't possess any knowledge to address the impossible question if it is really possible to understand the mystery? no matter how far the humanity advances in technology or science, it will never be enough to unravel the unknown completely and understand the matter fully. and my conscience says, this hope of achieving something and figuring out something makes us alive. who are we without curiosity? who are we without hope? just like food keeps our physical body alive, a single hope keeps our soul alive . I clearly don't have any idea where I am heading at with all those scribbling about universe, hope, life and death but one thing I know for sure, this is what keeps my soul breathing. When I feel conscious about my connection with the universe I see possibility everywhere, I see hope taking some understandable shape in the sky just like a cloud, I see compassion, love, fear and joy all at once. Wish there were a language to convey this feeling .. no there isn't any language to convey this feeling . This is one's individual treasure and few are fortunate in this world to find it in themselves and few are on the path of pursuing their inner treasure. The only way to feel this divine connection is being open to the universe and let the mystery unravel itself to you. This process is magical. One moment we see ourselves as negligible as a particle inside the universe and the next moment we imagine the whole universe inside us. That's the power of a thought. It can bring the whole universe to you in its purest form. but just like a double edged sword it may destroy our world in second. The thought disguises itself in a form of something so terrifying and inexplicable that it makes serious damage to our soul. We don't have the patience to really look what lies behind. How this blinding and agonizing incident can guide us into something that can really connect us with our root. We are busy running away from the problem, in that way we never let ourselves a chance to explore something beyond our idea and imagination. 

Today I will let myself to be open to every opportunity in the world. I will allow pain to make some positive change inside me and carry away some negativity from my heart along with it, because nothing stays forever .. no matter what we are feeling right now the joy, the pain, the love, the hatred or the anger, everything has been originated inside us with a purpose and it will fade away just like a setting sun in the horizon when its motive has been fulfilled. There is always an opportunity to grow and be better in life, it all lies in the choices we make at every step of our lives. 


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