Overcoming Self Doubts

        As humans we all have been blessed with potential, creativity and imagination. But like a little poisonous plant in a beautiful garden we have also been blessed with creepers like self doubt and fear that do not let us bloom the fullest. Everyone is born with some unique talent and potential but the fear of failure and rejection keeps us away from achieving our goals. The truth is we don't even need to work as hard we have been told to get success, it is the audacity to ask for opportunity that caves the path for our dream most of the time. 

        We all have self doubts and fear, in fact it is a part of us and it is foolish to look for ways to get rid of them in an instant. But with understanding and analyzing our fear we can improve our way of managing our self doubt efficiently. A little change in attitude can make the so called "obstacle of growth" work in our own favor. Now the question is how do we achieve that? How do we analyze our doubts and make the best out of our worst enemy? This is how we begin!! Questioning!! yes questioning but in the right way! 

        Whenever we think of some idea or some query we ask questions like "oh, what will happen if it does not work out?" "what will the person think of myself ?" "what impression will I be making if I propose this idea ?" All these kinds of questions give birth to more negativity, and we let our past failures or mistakes the power to make the situation more precarious for us. In a fraction of seconds our questions turn more negative and we assume all the bad things happening to us and we just keep digging. It's just the way human brains are engineered but we should keep one simple thing in mind that "if you find you have dug yourself into a hole.. stop digging." 

        The moment we realize we are doing it completely wrong is the first step towards the right approach. Now we have to make a 360 degree shift in our perspective and ask ourselves the questions like "Does the opinion of friends and colleagues really matter ? " "Would I regret after 5 years if I don't give this idea a chance? " "Should I give others the power to alter my chance to make something out of my life? ". In stead of asking "what if this is a terrible idea" we should think "what if this is a great idea" and if nothing works out at least you will find some connection that resonates with the same idea and make something maybe greater than the previous idea. Recently I was watching a interview of Radhika Gupta who is the CEO of Edelweiss Asset Management Limited, she explained this whole thing so simply and beautifully. According to her we will get opportunities only if we ask for it. We need to be brave enough to say the world why we deserve the opportunity. Once we feel confident about why we are doing what we are doing, nothing can stop us from creating an optimum space where we will attract more opportunities to fall into our laps. 

        Also it is necessary to understand that self doubt, fear, negativity and any unpleasant emotion is a part of our existence. They have been gifted us to serve a specific purpose in our lives. But our lack of patience and understanding of our emotion, works against us. So whenever we find ourselves in the loop of insurmountable self doubt we should at least try to look at the aspect from a different direction and if possible talk with someone we trust. Our thoughts are really messed up and it rarely makes any sense sometimes, but when we let our thought shape in the form of words we might understand what exactly is going on and where exactly is the origin of this self doubt. Most of the time the fear is ignited by our past experiences in our subconscious mind. And only by channeling our thoughts in a proper way can be able to address this and make correct decisions in life. 

        On a concluding note I would like to say that, It's okay to feel anxious or trapped by self doubts or fear. We are all humans and we all go through the same. But the wise people know how to handle self doubt. Instead of giving an emotion the power to control us we take the power, analyze the emotion and find a proper solution the the dilemma. 

       There is no go to help guide to be stable and calm in the moment of sheer rush and anxiety caused by self doubts but we can train our brain in such a way that this will automatically take care of itself and help us understanding our negative emotions in a better way. It takes one step at a time, one moment at a day to reflect on ourselves and practice self compassion. 


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