Just holding on. Aren't we?

What do you do ..
When the darkness is home and light is out of sight ?
When you feel lost ..
Do you sit and stare at the sky like me ?
Hoping the stars would guide you home
Take you to the simplicity of childhood
And bring back the happy person 
That you used to be

Do you smile at yourself ..
When you pretend to be strong and happy ..
Or do you surrender yourself to the moment ..
When you fail to conquer all the heaviness of your mind ..
I hope you still feel brave 
For trying every day 
little by little 

Do you end up helping someone ..
In a search of finding help for yourself ?
You see, you are not alone 
Doesn't it sound familiar ..
When you hear your heart in someone's story ?
There is something fulfilling about sharing stories
Isn't it quite exciting to see your memories getting alive .. 
When someone sees exactly the same thing you've experienced?

Do you feel stupid sometimes ..
When you said something you shouldn't have or 
felt something you shouldn't have ?
Come on we are stupid. Aren't we ?
Only if we have known the language of emotion
Or the art of love 
We might have a clear sense of this magical change 
Taking place everyday inside us

After everything we go through 
Don't we heal each other 
by extending our love, warmth or a part of ourselves ?
We are just holding on 
Hoping that the days will be better ahead
Maybe in future while taking a stroll 
We will think about today and feel proud for one another ❤


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