Self Discovery

    A common question comes to our mind at one point or another. The question is "Who we really are?"
and none of us is satisfied with the answer most of the time. We oscillate somewhere between our past memories and our hope. 

    This is a quest exclusively made for every individual. This is personal and distinct for every single one. At the end we all are going to be left with our own experience and imagination. So this one thing is completely our true possession. Our quest and our adventure you name it anything. I believe self discovery is a life long process, till our last breath we have the opportunity to question ourselves and explore a different side of us, a different passion, a different wish and maybe a different self. Sometimes this self discovery is driven by pain or some unfortunate incident. This is the way of universe to push us in the direction of unraveling a certain aspect of ourselves by questioning our purpose. Maybe during the time we are going though something difficult, it feels like a never passing storm but that storm has been originated to change the way we look at ourselves and the way we perceive the universe and when the storm is over we will be leading our lives with more clarity that we have explored along the way. 

    We never know our potential, we are unaware of our strength or weakness, we don't even know the answer to what we want most of the time. And if we just sit and think about answers for all these mystery I am afraid we will ever get any conclusion. But by investing our time in thoughtful actions, kind words and self improvements we allow the universe to guide us in the direction of self discovery. 

    As human being it has been our sole motive to understand ourselves and find something significant through which we can make a little contribution and make ourselves and our surrounding better. But what is happening around the world hardly does any justice to the above sentence. People are busy in envying other people, spending a huge amount of energy and time in how to conquer power, people and money in bad ways. But we can conquer pretty much everything once we understand and conquer our own quest of self discovery. 
Though this is a process which is still difficult for me to explain I will share few changes in our daily habits that can lead us in the path of understanding our personal quest.

1. Changing our social media hour with reading hour

    It is true that we spend an ample amount of our time scrolling through other people's lives and thinking about others for the rest of the time. Remember, everything we see or hear influence our lives in one way or another. We might not realize this but every decision we make somehow gets influenced by what we saw on social media and most of the time this doesn't come as a healthy habit. So we can minimize and replace the social media time with something that connects us to ourselves, and if there is anything in this whole universe that lets our imagination to open its wings.. it is books. Yes spend some time reading a good book or a good article. This small change in habit will gradually lead you to find what makes you you. 
Few books I would like to suggest if you're a beginner

2. Practicing Gratitude

    This is a simple yet very powerful act that can change our lives completely. At end of the day we should think about few good things that has happened on that day and be grateful for that and if nothing good has happened then we should find a way to show some kind gesture to someone to make a positive change in their lives. 

3. Songs and Movies

    As I have told earlier what we hear or see has tremendous impact on our choices. By watching good movies or listening songs we develop a sense of what we truly like and where exactly our interest lies.
There are a few movies that has made a major shift in my thought process, and I always keep my songs with me no matter where I am. These general habits are a part of us. But we failed to absorb the key ingredients from these stuff and let our mind explore some magic. So one change in perspective makes all the difference.

4. Being surrounded by right people

    Now this is the most crucial part that plays a major role in our path of self discovery. When we are surrounded by right people they help us bring the best of ourselves and encourage us to go for what our heart wants. But by choosing a different circle only brings noise that deviate us from ourselves. Our friends and our surrounding shapes us, so it is our responsibility to make a decision about what to keep and what to avoid. Though self discovery is a path that is meant for an individual but I believe this path becomes easy and fun if you have the right company. 


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