The Perpetual Flow of Learning

     Each day brings us the opportunity to learn something new. The learning perimeter is never limited to work or study, it's much profound and specious. We learn from every little thing around us once we are open to learn and grow. Our learning is usually propelled by our curiosity and motivation. But often we don't feel motivated to even start something new and that's completely normal. We don't like to spend time on our important subjects most of the time. But there is something we do like. Call it hobby or passion or anything, there is something that makes us happy. But if your mind is wondering what do you like then then trust me there are a lots of fun things that you have not explored yet. 

        The time you feel bored will ultimately lead you to find your interest. How? Just sit and let yourself wonder, stick to that one question originated in your brain, google it! We are blessed to live in a world where access to every information is on our fingertips so just take advantage of it and follow every reference you find until you are satisfied. You might find some great idea to work on or your previous query will be replaced by some other query but you will definitely learn something new on that day. 

         Nobody is born with any plan or education, we all do our research and let the magic happen naturally. It's the magnitude of our curiosity that determines the tranquility of our lives. The process of learning works in a loop, once enjoy doing something in your free time, you will feel the need to give your time to other areas of work. For instance if you like to listen songs or read books. When you hit your playlist don't just listen to songs, do a little research about your favorite band and if you are really passionate about music learn to play a new instrument. It's not necessary that this new skill will help you earn money, you can use the motivation to enhance your productivity. Same goes with reading, if you like to read then read as many books as possible, research about the plot and characters, ask yourself which character titillates your imagination, write a review about the book or write a blog describing how much you admire the character, publish the blog and get your audience. Now you have a whole lot possibilities ahead of you.

        After you read so many books or watch some movies you might even find some connection that will help you find your interest and hobby. Don't let your mind stop wondering. Learn any skill no matter how small or insignificant it seems. This skill might not help you earn at that moment but trust me it will be helpful in future. 

        This little effort we put daily on a persistent manner allows more opportunities to flow towards us. Once you get started on the path of learning, each day will be more adventurous than the previous day. Always be wondering, always be searching and always be learning. 

Best of luck. 


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