Musings by the Shore

I fell asleep while reading a book

This world of dream is so beautiful

How can something be formless yet forms your deepest desires in front of your eyes

Who has named this thing as 'dream'?

I think about this as I drive alone on that beautiful road

I am familiar with every stone lying on that path

It's the way I return home everyday

When I pass through that road I never feel alone

I share my thoughts with every particle of dust on that road

Every bird of that street, every tree standing tall, are my dearest friends

We ponder about all the mysteries together

Sometimes I give a high five to those leaves when we make fun of the road's shape

Yeah just some weird people stuff!

That day while driving back to home

I was lost in thoughts as usual 

But in the midst of normalcy I found something utmost unusual

Something very unusual about the road

Breaking the bubble of an endless chatter of mind I drove faster

Have I always been this ignorant that I'd never noticed that there is something strange about the road?

I drove faster ignoring my own question

As I came closer I could see this new road surprisingly revealing itself to me

I stopped my bike there and just got lost in the beauty of that road

The rays of sun had painted the road golden and the fallen flowers had made some art that is beyond my understanding

I could not take my eyes off that beauty 

The cold breeze blowing from the direction of the road was tempting enough for me to smell the air of the street and spend my entire evening playing with those birds and flowers 

Maybe I will carry some of those flowers to decorate my room 

The road is curvy ahead 

The mysterious road revealing one mystery after another 

I am just a stupid curious girl

How could I not run to seek answers?

I ran towards my bike, I have already made up my mind 

I am not going home today

I started the engine but the fire was in my soul

It was the road that has been guiding me all the way

I just followed and admired its every turning, art and smell

It's almost dark but my excitement was high enough to let fear have any space in my mind

After a little while I started thinking about home 

My mother must be waiting for me

But the fierce stroke of breeze running though my hair told me that 'you won't regret this!'

'Just keep going!'

'Just keep going and I will meet you there..'

I felt stupid and proud at the same time for taking an unfamiliar road as I accelerated my bike

After a while I could see something blocking the road ahead 

The noise of wind getting louder and louder

There is a tunnel challenging me to take that last step to find the reason why I am here

I did not waste any time and ran into the darkness

My heart pounding in excitement and fear crippling into my spine

I followed the sound and kept walking 

And suddenly there is no darkness I am finally out of that scary place

A cool and fierce wind ran across my soul and I saw a beautiful ocean in front of my eyes

I stood there awestruck and mesmerized by the beauty 

As if my dead body had found its soul.. I ran towards the ocean jumping, screaming and giggling

Me and my little heart both running faster

I felt I existed when the wave touched my feet

A sudden strain of bliss ran across my whole body and I ran deeper closing my eyes

I could feel the cool breeze running through my open arm and hair

I stood there feeling the gentle waves and breeze purifying each part of my body 

It is so much more than I deserve, feeling grateful for everything I opened my eyes to see the vast ocean welcoming me

The stars sparkling in the sky and the ocean reflecting the sparkle 

As if I was there to witness a magical interaction between the night sky and the beautiful ocean

This is amazing I thought to myself and hold some water in my palm to celebrate this night

I threw the water into the infinity sky and danced my heart out with my feet submerged in the cold water

It's really getting cold I should go back to the shore to enjoy the exquisite beauty from a distance

As I was walking out of the water I remembered how I always wanted to be at the beach

All those times I was obsessively telling my friends how much I wanted to go to the beach, have a drink and dance in my best outfit like I am free 

All those yearning and desires came rushing in my heart 

I have seen a white dress that I have specifically reserved for my day at the beach, I smiled as I looked at myself and realized how messed up I looked

Silly me.. 

The ocean looks beautiful from here I should sit here for a while 

I looked around to capture every moment in my heart 

I went there empty hearted but I knew I was not coming back empty

This memory will always be with me as my treasure

This will always remind me to appreciate every moment 

When I woke up from this magical tour I knew I was not the same person 

As I closed the book I was holding I could feel a part of my heart craving to go back to the serenity 

Spend some more time feeling the breeze and appreciating the nature

But I guess this is not what happy memories are about going back 

It is the yearning that you're left with 

to feel the fleeting magic again, that makes life interesting ❤


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