Listen to the Wild Woman

The two words wild and woman are inseparable. There has always been a wild soul growing within us since our birth. It is the pulse which makes a woman dive deep into the wilderness and aim to achieve what she was convinced she can’t. The wild archetype of a woman does not let herself get lost, rather it embodies her power which she can’t live without. The wild woman is a visionary and a listener. She bleeds tears and walks on the ocean fighting the storm.  She lives in the world but she is not a part of it, her evidence of existence is unknown to maximum but her presence is luculent just like her inner force. She lives within us. Each one of us stands as the splendid and convincing proof of the wild woman present in us. It constantly keeps pushing us to the darkness because it is not afraid to investigate what lies there. It makes our mind question everything and seeks meaning to everything happening around us. It encourages us to break away the old patterns and assures us to stand by us no matter how tough the world becomes. She is not born to be tamed and her fire is not meant to be calmed. But sadly her wild instincts have been reasoned to be silenced as she has to portray herself as a nice girl. Her desires have been tied by the boundaries of society. Every woman is born with a natural wild instinct in her soul but her wilderness has not been celebrated properly as a result she falls short in ability to manifest her ideas and curiosity in the outer world. These young women who are perceived as naive are aware of the demons present outside but instead of being taught how to fight with them they were taught how to hide from them. While they grow in a society like this, their inner life becomes frightened and wedged. Perhaps the wild woman present in them always tells them to listen to their inner voice, ask questions, be curious but they choose to remain silence. They put a mask of “nice and sweet” only to make others smile. But by doing this they invite more threats for their soul, they kill their deep insight and silence their original voice. These naive women hurt their soulful living by not following what wild woman has been teaching. The only way to recover our soul from being tamed is returning to wild woman -  practice listening to our own instincts and always stand with the truth. With some practice the injured wilderness of our soul can be brought back to its pristine state once again. No one is born to be the tamed by the internal and external circumstances. No matter how religion, society and culture define rules for women to behave and think, no matter how much obstacles rise in a woman’s path of soulful living.. nothing can change the fact that a woman is what she is!

She is a wild woman!!

This piece of writing is inspired by the book "Women Who Run With the Wolves" by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes. Through myths, assertions and folk stories the writer opens the door for women to listen to their instinct and be fearless. 


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