This is to embolden you!

I know you!

Maybe you’re so different from me or maybe you’re so like me. You may not find my jokes funny and you may not completely agree with every word I utter. Your mind might line up with me or it might deviate in strange manner but I share some pages with the infinity library of your mind. I have lived a part of you. I know you have always felt different about yourself. Some days you sleep on your bed reliving every small detail of the beautiful day you had spent, and some days the uncountable questions in your mind make you feel restless. I know you have always searched for the life you have envisioned as a child. I know these days of transitions have not been easy for you, I understand life has introduced some disquieting and confusing situations to you. But I am proud of the way you have dealt with those confusions and  denial. I know you don’t get the point the society has taught you, you don’t want to limit yourself in the boundaries defined by the society. You seek independence yet you long for tiny comforts like the softness of your blanket after a long journey or someone to share your views about a movie. I know your imagination is a broad sky that shines by your fierceness in your darkest days. The strength inside your soul and all those times you have lived your life the way you wished without apologizing to anybody, inspires me. I love you for every moment when you have accepted yourself and cared for another human being. The world needs your strength and love, your wilderness and your empathy. I know you are calm and strong and I hope you never stop being this weird mixture of everything ❣️


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