What Makes Us Human

We humans are so  strange in so many ways. Doesn't this disparity in the way we respond to certain things make us who we are?! Well we all have been told and taught something when we were children, and with time we have developed a matured brain to analyze and understand the right and wrong of anything. But a part of our life is our childhood .. we always carry this little child with us no matter how old we grow ..we can never outlive that part . 

Adulting doesn't mean to kill the child inside you rather it is the art of putting your own awareness before doing anything. Then why do we greet a girl with an eye of judgement when we see that girl being herself? why a man's strength becomes skeptical when he lets his tear say all those words his lips can't utter?

Sometimes the child in our heart takes charge of the adult present in us .It is as beautiful as watching an innocent kid wanting something and adorably manipulating his parents to get him what he wants and I am in love with these little quirks I see in humans. Those little sparks in their eyes when they describe something fun about their past makes me dive deep and explore more about them. That helplessness their soul feels when they get stuck in a complex situation makes me want to hug them. I want to accept their fear and be there with them till they regain their strength to fight with those moments . I will stay there until that mounting fear in their heart fades away just like a bad dream .

No one runs out of love by passing it to another soul, rather it cherishes our soul . Accepting one's flaws and  carefully listening their untold stories makes us human. Everyone has a golden heart, some has lost its shine due to constant negativity and pressure, but it still remains somewhere in us. Sometimes we feel our whole surrounding getting enlightened by that glow and sometimes it feels like it does not exist at all! and it is fine ! we can never have sunshine all though the year, sometimes we will see dark clouds, sometimes we will also face some stubborn and violent storms. This short period of any situation makes us enjoy the next one better. Nothing is permanent! but sometimes all we need is a kind gesture of love to keep going. and I promise I'll not keep my love in a tiny box at that moment. I will pass it through words of appreciation and admiration. Maybe it's a matter of naivety but I admire every child I see in people, I respect every adult I see in people and I have been waiting to see every  people accepting each other and spreading love all over. This is what makes us human!


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