
Just holding on. Aren't we?

What do you do .. When the darkness is home and light is out of sight ? When you feel lost .. Do you sit and stare at the sky like me ? Hoping the stars would guide you home Take you to the simplicity of childhood And bring back the happy person  That you used to be Do you smile at yourself .. When you pretend to be strong and happy .. Or do you surrender yourself to the moment .. When you fail to conquer all the heaviness of your mind .. I hope you still feel brave  For trying every day  little by little  Do you end up helping someone .. In a search of finding help for yourself ? You see, you are not alone  Doesn't it sound familiar .. When you hear your heart in someone's story ? There is something fulfilling about sharing stories Isn't it quite exciting to see your memories getting alive ..  When someone sees exactly the same thing you've experienced? Do you feel stupid sometimes .. When you said something you shouldn't have or  felt something you shouldn't h

Musings by the Shore

I fell asleep while reading a book This world of dream is so beautiful How can something be formless yet forms your deepest desires in front of your eyes Who has named this thing as 'dream'? I think about this as I drive alone on that beautiful road I am familiar with every stone lying on that path It's the way I return home everyday When I pass through that road I never feel alone I share my thoughts with every particle of dust on that road Every bird of that street, every tree standing tall, are my dearest friends We ponder about all the mysteries together Sometimes I give a high five to those leaves when we make fun of the road's shape Yeah just some weird people stuff! That day while driving back to home I was lost in thoughts as usual  But in the midst of normalcy I found something utmost unusual Something very unusual about the road Breaking the bubble of an endless chatter of mind I drove faster Have I always been this ignorant that I'd never noticed that the

The Perpetual Flow of Learning

       Each day brings us the opportunity to learn something new. The learning perimeter is never limited to work or study, it's much profound and specious. We learn from every little thing around us once we are open to learn and grow. Our learning is usually propelled by our curiosity and motivation. But often we don't feel motivated to even start something new and that's completely normal. We don't like to spend time on our important subjects most of the time. But there is something we do like. Call it hobby or passion or anything, there is something that makes us happy. But if your mind is wondering what do you like then then trust me there are a lots of fun things that you have not explored yet.            The time you feel bored will ultimately lead you to find your interest. How? Just sit and let yourself wonder, stick to that one question originated in your brain, google it! We are blessed to live in a world where access to every information is on our fingertips

Overcoming Self Doubts

          As humans we all have been blessed with potential, creativity and imagination. But like a little poisonous plant in a beautiful garden we have also been blessed with creepers like self doubt and fear that do not let us bloom the fullest. Everyone is born with some unique talent and potential but the fear of failure and rejection keeps us away from achieving our goals. The truth is we don't even need to work as hard we have been told to get success, it is the audacity to ask for opportunity that caves the path for our dream most of the time.            We all have self doubts and fear, in fact it is a part of us and it is foolish to look for ways to get rid of them in an instant. But with understanding and analyzing our fear we can improve our way of managing our self doubt efficiently. A little change in attitude can make the so called "obstacle of growth" work in our own favor. Now the question is how do we achieve that? How do we analyze our doubts and make th

Self Discovery

    A common question comes to our mind at one point or another. The question is "Who we really are?" and none of us is satisfied with the answer most of the time. We oscillate somewhere between our past memories and our hope.       This is a quest exclusively made for every individual. This is personal and distinct for every single one. At the end we all are going to be left with our own experience and imagination. So this one thing is completely our true possession. Our quest and our adventure you name it anything. I believe self discovery is a life long process, till our last breath we have the opportunity to question ourselves and explore a different side of us, a different passion, a different wish and maybe a different self. Sometimes this self discovery is driven by pain or some unfortunate incident. This is the way of universe to push us in the direction of unraveling a certain aspect of ourselves by questioning our purpose. Maybe during the time we are going though s

Amidst a Crisis

       One day you wake up and everything that had been bothering you seems insignificant. Be it any kind of problem, those days that you thought were difficult are replaced by a splash of realization that it doesn't matter. All you want is your loved ones to be happy and in good health. This is the most precious thing one can ask for at this moment. I feel blessed and horrified at the same time. My heart is with those people who lost the most valuable thing in their lives. I can't even imagine where the world is heading with all these going on.       Clearly we as a nation have failed our responsibilities as a result we are in such a worse condition. Our government has failed in managing and distributing proper health care to everyone. The mismatch between the demand and supply makes the oxygen crisis more severe and painful. But the question is how come we not predict this before and did not prepare for the worst? Well, in that case our government did have proper data and num

Let a Thought Sparkle

     One thought ! Do we ever realize how powerful a thought can be? yes a single thought has the power that allow us to float across the limitless universe and dive deep in the tiniest particle until it finds an end sign. One can truly spend a life time thinking about this mystery of the world but never find any conclusion. Needless to say, so many minds are born and died in this planet just thinking about the vastness and wonder of this creation . Also there are countless  minds that are so tangled in their imagination and thoughts that they have never got the opportunity to connect with the superior subject. I don't possess any knowledge to address the impossible question if it is really possible to understand the mystery? no matter how far the humanity advances in technology or science, it will never be enough to unravel the unknown completely and understand the matter fully. and my conscience says, this hope of achieving something and figuring out something makes us alive. wh